White Sage Dragon Blood Red Smudge Stick
Aboriginal & Native American cultures traditionally used smudge sticks in spiritual ceremonial practices. The burning of smudge sticks is called smudging. Smudging is used to cleanse a person, place or objects of negative energies, spirits or influences. Legend has it that negative energies attached themselves to the smoke and leave, making way for good and helpful spirits.
It is commonly used to practice mindfulness and transcendental meditation.
DRAGON'S BLOOD SAGE was believed to be the blood of dragons that had perished in combat, Dragon's Blood is really the hardened resin of certain rare trees found in India and Sumatra. It has a natural red pigment and a haunting, earthy fragrance. Dragon Blood is used to add potency to spells, for protection, and to create a meditative atmosphere.
• Price is per piece.
• Approx Size: 4” (approx 10cm)
• All of our herbs are sustainably harvested from trusted sources. Our sources are both conscious & considerate over the well-being of our planet & honour the practice of growing their sacred herbs.