Moon Phases Altar Cloth
Moon cycles are similar to the cycle of a seed as in, the seed grows into a plant, blooms and dies.
Once we are attuned to the Moon, we can activate her innate powers and embody her natural traits of femininity, creativity, fluidity and change.
Moon Phases and Their Meanings: Your Quick Guide
New Moon
The Moon is positioned between the Earth and Sun so it cannot be seen from Earth. This moon phase signifies new beginnings.
Waxing Crescent Moon
‘Waxing’ means the Moon’s illumination is growing, and ‘Crescent’ means less than half of the Moon is illuminated. This moon phase signifies intention.
First Quarter Moon
Exactly half of the Moon is illuminated and the other half is shadowed. This particular moon cycle signifies decision making.
Waxing Gibbous Moon
‘Waxing’ means the Moon’s illumination is growing and ‘Gibbous’ means more than half of the Moon is illuminated. This moon phase signifies refinement.
Full Moon
The Sun illuminates the entire moon. This particular moon cycle signifies release and sealing of intention.
Waning Gibbous
‘Waning’ refers to the decreasing of the Moon’s illumination, and ‘Gibbous’ means more than half of Moon illuminated. This moon phase signifies gratitude.
Third Quarter
Exactly half of the Moon is illuminated and the other half is shadowed. We will see the opposite side than the First Quarter Moon. This moon phase signifies forgiveness.
Waning Crescent
‘Waning’ refers to the shrinking of the Moon’s illumination, and ‘Crescent’ means less than half of the Moon is illuminated. This particular moon cycle signifies surrender.
Size: approx 60cm x 60cm