Eucalyptus Smudge Stick no
Aboriginal & Native American cultures traditionally used smudge sticks in spiritual ceremonial practices. The burning of smudge sticks is called smudging. Smudging is used to cleanse a person, place or objects of negative energies, spirits or influences. Legend has it that negative energies attached themselves to the smoke and leave, making way for good and helpful spirits.
Eucalyptus is a versatile leaf that has been used by Indigenous Australians for thousands of years. It has one of the earliest recorded histories of being used for home cleansing rituals, and is also commonly used for health practices. It's regarded as a cure all due to its antiseptic properties. It is commonly used in protection magic. It has also been a part of Aboriginal smoke ceremonies that cleansed the area of bad spirits and promoted the wellbeing of visitors.
Smudging with eucalyptus is amazing for protection, healing, and spiritual protection. It encourages emotional balance and is seen as being a natural antidepressant. It’s used to alleviate stress, anxiety, or nervousness and to bring back sound sleep. It relaxes your mind & body into tranquillity, and stillness. It is also considered a stimulant that removes exhaustion and mental sluggishness, strengthens concentration, stimulates blood flow and can encourage visions as it awakens the spirit.
The fragrance is strong and delightful.
• Price is per piece.
• Approx Size: 4” (approx 10cm)
• All of our herbs are sustainably harvested from trusted sources. Our sources are both conscious & considerate over the well-being of our planet & honour the practice of growing their sacred herbs.